Grace Photographer Charise collaborates with songstress Rachel Burns to capture love, life, beauty and intimacy in the face of breast cancer for her new video NOT TODAY.

October 20, 2022

Grace Goddess Rachel Burns, a stage iii breast cancer survivor has released an album focused on her very own breast cancer experience.  With the release of her new Album “Living My Breast Life”, she collaborated with Grace Project photographer Charise Isis on an emotional video for her anthem, “NOT TODAY’.  The music and the video explore themes of love, loss, intimacy and beauty from the perspective of both the caregiver and the patient.

Rachel, recently sang an acoustic version of the song “NOT TODAY”, accompanied by her husband Tim Burns on stand up bass at The Military Women’s Memorial in Arlington, for The Grace Project, Athena Division exhibition.  After a moment of silence as a memorial tribute to the five women that were photographed for the project that have since died as a result of breast cancer, Burns clarity of voice, and incredibly moving song filled the room and had us all in tears as we took in the beauty of these women in a momentary celebration of their lives which were stolen by breast cancer and an acknowledgement of their service to the United States.


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